Sunday, November 27, 2011

Camp Good Days and Special Times

I had a great day with some of my favorite girlies in the world today:) First Alexandra and I met Jill, Leanne and Natalie for lunch, then we did a little shopping, and then we volunteered for my favorite charity, Camp Good Days and Special Times, accepting donations at Eastview Mall in exchange for a kazoo or two. Leanne's kids and my kids have spent a week at "cancer camp" for the past few summers, and it is. bar none, the best week of their summer every year.  Their goal is to give the kids a week free of thinking about cancer, while at the same time providing a safe place to talk about their experiences if they need it.  They've made great friends and pranked them, too! Plus it gives Will and I a kid-free week, so we can escape just the 2 of us to Cape Cod, or the Adirondacks or wherever.  We are ever grateful to this wonderful organization, so a couple hours hawking kazoos? You bet! Look for the table every weekend til Christmas outside of JCPenney.

My week off chemo last week was fabulous, went to Florida for the holiday, now back to work and school tomorrow, back to chemo this Friday for my last treatment. Woohoo!!:)


  1. Look at u pretty ladies! Likin' the sweater ma! Xoxox

  2. What a day you guys had!The younger girlies look ready to wheel and deal,and the bigger girlies look awesome!!XOXO
