Tuesday, January 17, 2012

all good:)

hiya, nothing new to report, just same old same old:chemo last week started new 3 week cycle. I'm feeling good, but have started noticing some neuropathy in my feet and hands.  I'll talk to the nurses in chemo on friday.  i know that sometimes they will reduce the strength of the taxol when neuropathy is a side effect.  there's lots of info on the inter webs about it;) some people have it all the way thru chemo, others have it last 5-8 months after chemo is finished or even permanently.  let's hope that's not the case - the last thing i need is neuropathy in my hands...those are the $$ makers!!! I had another massage last week (thanks Cheryl!!:)) and am hoping to schedule another one next week.  I read that massage and acupuncture can help with neuropathy; no luck with acupuncture so far, but any excuse for massage is ok by me!

Next Dr appt not until Feb 10, so I'll ask about my numbers then :) From the most recent blood test, one number is up ever so slightly, one is down just a little.  Not sure how significant that is, but will post when i know.

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