Friday, June 22, 2012

Hangin in there!

Hi! I had my staples out and it hurt like crazy even with the baby Emla cream I put on! Thank goodness Will was with me and we probably made the nurse gag;) he sat right next to me and forehead to forehead we made it thru. Why doesn't someone come up with a better way to close incisions? Staples are so barbaric! Physical therapy is hard; I've never been good about exercising and this is no different. Almost everyday as I'm going to bed ( at 830;)) I think shoot, I forgot again! Ah well,I'm walking pretty well, short distances with the cane. Most importantly, I'm still here to celebrate our 7th anniversary! Woohoo! Hard to believe, thank God for my boy!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Back to work for me! i didn't really have enough time to get sick of watching tv :) but feeling like i need to get off my butt so, back to interpreting and keeping busy:)
I have an appointment with the orthopedist tomorrow, i think they will take out my 35 staples and give me the ok to graduate to a cane (which i did last week;)) I'm interested in seeing the X-rays tomorrow tho, just to make sure everything's in it's right place.
Thanks everyone for the flowers, cannoli, cheesecake, thai food, etc! you sure know the way to a girl's heart! Next up:ditching the cane! woohoo!! :)

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Home at last:)

It's true, they let me out this morning with a crit of 33 and the ability to limp around pretty well on my own. Sitting in my dad's big recliner at home with 3 dogs camped out and big tv on criminal minds- heaven!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Stuck in hospital:(

Surgery to replace the rod in my femur went well, but was complicated by my veins being damaged by chemotherapy. They struggled to get an IV in me, then gave me a spinal block, then tried for an hour to get a central line in, finally ended up putting a line in my left thigh, in case I needed blood or medicine, etc. good thing because I lost 700ml(?) of blood during the surgery and so far have had 2 pints transfused through that line. I'm up and walking with the walker already, it doesn't hurt to walk but the incisions in my knee and hip are sore. I wanna go home! But I hafta wait until my hematocrit is above 30, so more blood transfusions today and hopefully ready for home tmw. The surgery took almost 6 hours, much longer than expected because the bone wasn't just fractured but shattered, and the rod was in pieces. They had a hard time removing all the pieces and put in a bone graft to encourage the fracture to heal faster. Now I have much larger incisions in my hip than last year; taking hardware out is more difficult than putting it in I guess! Thanks so much to everyone for your emails and texts and visits:) special thanks to my sisters for their help in taking care of the dogs and kiddos:) and me! Xoxo Ps I have a private room and Will has been able to stay overnight with me. He's lovely and patient and I couldn't ask for better support. I think Benny wren taught him all his nursing skills:)

Friday, June 1, 2012

Surgery, take 2

hi! After a cat scan of my leg and hip yesterday, we went to see dr tyler today and she scheduled me for surgery on monday.  the small fracture i got walking the beach last november has apparently deformed the surrounding bone enough that it caused the titanium rod to bend until it broke. its broken. inside my body. unbelievable.  so the reason I've been having increasing pain in my hip is because of the fracture in my hip and the rod scraping against the muscle and tissue. it makes so much sense based on the kind of pain i have, it's almost like it has teeth and it decides to bite me when my hip is in certain positions. anyway, I'm not happy that i have to have surgery again, with a 4-6 week recovery period, again. but i am happy that i can have it done so soon, to get it out of the way so we can enjoy our summer plans. and to reduce the pain!!

The surgery is removal of the current rod, pin in my hip and pin in my knee. then do it all over again, place a new rod in my femur, add some extra bone growth stimulator magic, a new pin in my knee and a new, heavier duty pin in my hip. in the pic, you might be able to see that the head of the rod is separated from the body of the rod below the pin.

So, I had to sub out all my work for the next couple weeks, people were awesome and covered for me:) so I'll work monday morning, then hafta be at
Highland at 2:45pm for surgery at 4:45pm. I'lll be in for 2 days or so; last time, we asked for a private room, they hooked me up with a german roommate who was also demented and awake, yelling all night long. The second night i got a private room, slept much better. Lesson learned: will cry til they give me my own room this time.  Also planning to ask for a spinal block. Last time, they didn't realize how much pain medicine i normally take and so didn't give me enough extra for when i woke up.  Unhappy situation. Spinal block sounds much more friendly. Anyway, please send happy vibes and gummy bears on Monday. Will let you know how it all works out...:)