Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Stuck in hospital:(

Surgery to replace the rod in my femur went well, but was complicated by my veins being damaged by chemotherapy. They struggled to get an IV in me, then gave me a spinal block, then tried for an hour to get a central line in, finally ended up putting a line in my left thigh, in case I needed blood or medicine, etc. good thing because I lost 700ml(?) of blood during the surgery and so far have had 2 pints transfused through that line. I'm up and walking with the walker already, it doesn't hurt to walk but the incisions in my knee and hip are sore. I wanna go home! But I hafta wait until my hematocrit is above 30, so more blood transfusions today and hopefully ready for home tmw. The surgery took almost 6 hours, much longer than expected because the bone wasn't just fractured but shattered, and the rod was in pieces. They had a hard time removing all the pieces and put in a bone graft to encourage the fracture to heal faster. Now I have much larger incisions in my hip than last year; taking hardware out is more difficult than putting it in I guess! Thanks so much to everyone for your emails and texts and visits:) special thanks to my sisters for their help in taking care of the dogs and kiddos:) and me! Xoxo Ps I have a private room and Will has been able to stay overnight with me. He's lovely and patient and I couldn't ask for better support. I think Benny wren taught him all his nursing skills:)


  1. I'm so sorry surgery was more complicated and longer than expected:( If you had a spinal block,does that mean you were conscious during surgery?Gads!
    You certainly did a number on your bone and more football for you!!
    Love you,Carol Beth

  2. Thanks for using up your precious energy writing an update for us. Horrendous procedure, but the fact that you are up and moving around already means that getting that crappy metal out and the good metal in was the right thing to do. Its just a shame they had to take so long to do it.
    Keep up the strength. You will be home before you know it.

