Thursday, January 3, 2013

not so happy

Had my 2nd dose of Doxil on Monday, a shot of Neupogen on Tuesday....and a dose of kick my butt yesterday and today:(
I'm not nauseated, so i really am trying not to be a baby, i know it could be much worse, but my back is  not happy!! It feels like someone removed my spine from my body, cracked it like a whip or one of those pretty ribbons in gymnastics, then put it back in.  Every time i change from seated to standing (which is a lot!!!) or vice versa, it takes my breath away as it ripples around in there.   Goes away after maybe 15-20 seconds.  NOT. HAPPY.
I'm gonna make an appointment for a massage soon, and I have lots of fancy pain relief creams and whatnot to try from my chemo care package:) Plus Suzi and Curt gave me 2 more massage gift certificates - yeehaw:) I love being spoiled.  I don't love being in pain tho, and i guess i've gotten off easy up 'til's funny because at my last dr appt, they asked, as they always do, how my pain level was, and i said it was great! I was actually starting to wonder if i should decrease my pain meds...oopsy, guess not! Thank goodness for pain meds. And loving husbands;)

1 comment:

  1. Hope you will let your dr. know that your pain management isn't so "great" at this point.'Cause you're not getting off so easy now!
    Yep...being bossy...that's my job!
    Take care my Whoosie,and I would say "hugs",but that would probably hurt...
