Monday, October 21, 2013


My team isn't happy and now neither am I:( I had such a nice weekend in denial, Edie is home for long weekend and we had family dinners and a little shopping, dinner with Leslie and Chris and the babies, gorgeous fall weather.  Now, I'm at my Eribulin appointment and nobody's happy with my markers.  My next PET scan was supposed to be in November, they want to move it up to as soon as possible, they think the Eribulin isn't working anymore. Sigh.
I'm glad I'm getting my eyebrows done on Friday, something positive to look forward to! Almost everyone said my right eyebrow was a better fit for my face, so I'm going with that (since that was my opinion too!) I'm a little concerned about the color of the ink, but Will is coming with me, he will make sure it's perfect:)
Send me some love and prayers, something tells me I'm gonna need it with this PET scan.


  1. Jen- you're always in my prayers! sending you hugs xo

  2. You know..always in my thoughts... always in my prayers...always in my heart...always.....♥♥♥
