Monday, March 26, 2012


Last Friday Will and I went to see my new ortho doc cuz my surgeon who put the rod in my femur moved to CA:(  On the last PET scan as well as my most recent one, the radiologist mentioned seeing a fracture in my right femur (the one with the rod in it.) but, the ortho didn't see it.  So, Will, with his super deaf vision, showed the fracture to the new doc, and she is now a believer:) It's been there since November, she just thought it was part of the original surgery.  Anyway, now we know why my leg still hurts, but there's nothing they can do for it.  But, at least I know why it hurts! The ortho thinks there was a very thin amount of bone around the rod originally, and when i went for a lovely walk on the Tampa beach with my friends last year, it fractured.  Again, nothing can be done, but she seems hopeful that my bone will heal itself.  Will expressed his doubt, given the poor condition of my bones to begin with, but i like pretending:)

I'm doing well on the Xeloda oral chemo so far, nothing major to report:)


  1. Hey Jenn! I missed seeing you on Sat. but knew you'd have been there if you could. Here's a song I put into the mix. It's called, Let it Go.

    "Let It Go"
    Sometimes when things just turn out wrong
    On the days when you’re not strong
    You have to grab hold, to make it real
    Find peace so you can heal
    You gotta take heed of somethin’
    Be freed of somethin’
    Believe in somethin’
    And let it go

    When your ship has gone adrift
    And your spirit needs a lift
    You have to steer a different course
    Find place without remorse

    When the trek is just too hard
    And your path is way to barred
    You have to grab the golden ring
    Find hope in what life brings

    I think I sang it better than I ever had and the crowd seemed to really enjoy it. It was for you and for me and everyone else who walks or will walk in the myriad of shoes in which the monster dwells. Thanks for inspiring me! All the best, Jim

  2. So glad that the Xeloda, holding hands and playing footsies are working! It'll be soon when, you and Shelly will be able to be our driving caddies when we whiff at our small white balls! THEN aftewards, we can drink some magartias! Love you and Will, Mindy

  3. Glad you are not having side effects from new pill...and it better stay that way!!
    Will keeping weight off leg help healing?(Crutches (yea..a pain!),cane,piggy-back rides??)
    So-o..Does Will get to bill the doctor for HIS work?? :)
