Sunday, March 18, 2012

So far, so good

I seem to be responding without any side effects so far to the new chemo meds. If my past experience is indicative of my "normal", tho, I'll probably be hit with side effects later. Ahh another blessing of a slow metabolism!
Ann Marie brought quiche and date snacks last week, Leanne brought dinner Friday night and Jill brought dinner last night- awesome!I'm so spoiled! I'm off completely today with only taxi duty, so it's been a very relaxing, sunny day here:) doggies so happy it's toasty warm on the patio.
Back to work tomorrow, keeping fingers crossed that this med doesn't make me sick. Have a great week!


  1. Glad to hear. I have all my positive thoughts still heading your way!

  2. OK - I'm starting to feel guilty I can't force myself to cook you up a healthy dinner. Love me anyway?

  3. Your body is just so psyched for the Midlife Crisis show that it won't let you down! :)
