Thursday, May 10, 2012

Poor me!

Waaaah! My hands are SO sensitive- its crazy! Typing on my iPad doesn't bother me, thank goodness, but almost everything else does. I'm constantly putting lotion and bengay and creams on my hands hoping to stave off the dryness that seems to be the cause of the sensitivity. Plus, I had a little incident with Sasha, Alex's friend:) she accidentally stepped on my toe, the toe that had a toenail that was barely hanging on, and caused a little bloody drama.ive never seen blood bubble out was bubbling out of my toe and filled up my Birkenstock! Anyway, now I have the sexiest feet ever, bits and pieces of toenail and gross looking skin. Attractive. Poor Will, he's a fussy boy when it comes to pedicures and there's nothing I can do for my feet right now. My little nail person would run screaming, I'm sure. What else? Oh my eyes and nose are constantly running trying to compensate for how dry they I look like I have severe allergies on top of everything else! Woohoo! Please cross fingers for me that this xeloda is working and all this drama is worth it. I can't cross my fingers...hurts! You do it.. Thanks:)


  1. Oh,Jen.I'm so sorry for all the things going on.(Blood on your Birkenstocks sounds like the least of your problems...but still a bitch!)
    I have used Optiva for dry eyes...would that work for you?
    Tell poor Will to divert his eyes elsewhere for now,like your pretty-albeit dry-eyes!
    Love You Lots,Carol Beth

  2. Ow ow ow. I'm sorry for your pain and desert skin. Soaking in a tub of epson salts, baking soda and oil help? My fingers, toes AND eyes are crossed for you. So glad the iPad is still accessible. Hugs

  3. Fingers crossed! Thinking of you!

  4. Sheesh sissy - i'm reading this & horrified at what happened to your toenail all over again!! xoxo
