Friday, October 14, 2011

Chemo #4 Treatment today

mmm, gotta love Wegmans and their pink ribbon cookies! Thanks Ann Marie and Maria!!!

...and I'm feeling fine:) amazing - I'm all hopped up on steroids, pepcid, benadryl, taxol, zometa and a lovely liter of saline - and i feel fine! My friend Anne came to sit with me today and be my chemo fairy and I slept thru the whole thing! I woke to find her cute little face smiling at me - so sweet of her to come and be with me.  She also gave me some tips to help with the pain in my thigh since cavorting on the beach last weekend;) (no jill, i didn't really cavort, but you knew that!) She knows about muscles, my Anne, so i trust her advice and will try to figure out my trigger points and release the muscle so i can walk normally again.  Being bald is one thing, bald plus crippled is kinda more than i can handle to be honest.  Then, my other chemo fairy Ann Marie and her daughter Maria brought us an amazing dinner tonight, my favorite chicken french and mashed potatoes and green beans, plus fresh cider and apple crisp with ice cream and whip cream for dessert. Delicious. Food plus talking with my friends= happy girl me:) Thank you all for making my chemo day more bearable.  Thanks also to my friends Gayle and Carolyn for letting me leave work early (even with the big boss man there!:)) to go to treatment...i was home and finished by 5, and that was such a blessing. You're all the bestest support system i could ask for!! xoxox


  1. Well, really, can you cavort from a prone position? :) xoxoxo

  2. YAY!! Glad to hear #4 is behind you and all went well! Was sending you many positive vibes. I hope the leg tips help. Seriously - how much is one person supposed to take anyway! Hope rest of your weekend was restful. LYF
