History girls represent!
I must sound like a broken record, but again, or still, I'm floored by the people willing to show their support for me and my journey, in addition to my regular support system. Above is a pic of Gillies in her do-rag, who is a constant, fearless support for me:) and me with our history prof Corinna. Corinna has consistently wanted to be a part of the do-rag club, especially once we explained the reason behind our headgear:) Today in class she wore her do-rag to teach in, and after asking my blessing, explained to the class that I have been going thru chemo on Fridays and still coming to work every Monday, providing services for the class, and showing her appreciation. Gillies and I were both touched by her sensitivity and perception of the interpreter being there for the whole class (a concept often missed), as well as her caring way of making me feel welcome and supported. She rocks! She's smart, sweet and compassionate...who could ask for more?! Of course this led to a student of ours sharing her story about her family's battle with cancer...seems like it touches everyone. Definitely a warm, snuggly moment:)
I'm feeling better than Monday, no more barfing which is always good:) and gearing up emotionally/ mentally for treatment #6 on Friday. My chemo fairy Ann Marie is driving me and keeping me company (she of the good snacks;)), and we along with my sister Jill are planning to attend Grand Rounds afterward as their topic this week is Cancer Pain Management, New Ideas er sumpin similar - sign me up!
My daughter Edie posted a little message to me as her status on Facebook about being strong and keeping up the fight:) She's a sweetheart, that girly of mine. My mom came over last night and restocked my earring supply;) Something about being bald makes me feel like I need to wear makeup and earrings, all that hair fixing energy has to go somewhere! So, Mom gave me a TON of earrings, the dangly kind, just perfect for my little head! Plus I ordered several hats that just arrived so I'm all kitted out, ready to face the chill:) with all my supporters around me!
My Friend you just make it so dang easy to be a support for you. Sometimes I wish there was more I could do like take a chemo treatment or something - I know I'm not the only one who would line up and take a turn if that were possible. I love you girl - keep up the good fight! LYF