Sunday, October 30, 2011

Chemo #6 - last of cycle 2

...and i feel good:) Ann Marie was my faithful chemo buddy again this last Friday, and since Will was out of town it was especially nice to be picked up and valet'ed around:) We even went to dd for coffee, but just for me cuz she's all healthy and whatnot ;) Then, the nurse noticed my heart rate was high, and we wondered if it was the caffeine...couldn't be:)

I'm hoping that tomorrow I'll feel well, and it won't be a repeat of last Monday when I had to leave work in the afternoon cuz i was so nauseated.  I'm bringing extra meds just in case to work tmw.

This week is my week off of chemo, and I can't wait. I have a massage scheduled for Friday morning, and  a little plan with friends to celebrate the week off.  :) Hope it's an uneventful and stress free week for everyone!


  1. A massage in lieu of treatment sounds like a great idea. Am hoping your week (and today especially) goes smoothly.

  2. You are the only person I know who can make chemo treatments fun and enjoyable, despite the poor man who fell over with his IV pole!
    Thanks for knighting me with the distinguished title of "chemo fairy"! :)

  3. Roxstar! So awesome to hear from you! I miss your face. Hope you are doing well, and keep sendin me those good vibes. Xoxo
