Monday, October 3, 2011

I'm bringin' sexy back...

Alrighty, I guess it's time to face the facts...gonna have my head shaved Thursday night, with my sister Jill and Will going bald right next to me. My sister Leanne is cutting hers short in support and Colleen will be there to memorialize the event and hold my hand:) Too much of my hair is falling out to deny it any longer, and I really want to be able to donate it to the Locks of Love program, so I'm as ready as I'll ever be! I am most nervous about going to work the first couple days after I'm bald; it's such a public admission of my very private fight, and I know it will be hard for me to answer people's (understandable) questions. Colleen and I thought of several rude things to say, but I'll try and behave;) Shaving my head on Thursday means I'll have the weekend to get used to it at least. Plus I'll be in FL, so it's all good. Fingers crossed that I'm one of those inexplicably sexy bald women:)


  1. You were an adorable baby and bald as a cue ball for a lo-ong time!As long as this works,#@%& the hair!!XOXO

  2. You work it, girl! Sometimes a woman's got to do what a woman's got to do. Not like you're ever gonna wake up and think it's a excellent idea to shave your head. Thursday is a perfect day to bite the bullet, then treat yourself to a long, sunny weekend in the sand.

    As far as twits (chuckleheads, my dad's favorite, nice visual image)who might pop up at work, well, heaven knows they were there before Thursday, unfortunately they will not all die out overnight. There will be kind hearted, supportive advocates as well. Take the good ones and run with them, don't look back. Misbehave when called for, PRN!

  3. I have no doubt you're going to be sexy as all get out! I'm thinking Will might not look too bad his own self! Besides - if people stop and stare - you just think its because of the bald head thing - really people have been staring at your butt for years - you've just never noticed :-)

    Florida is just the place to get used to your new look too. What time does our flight leave? LYF

  4. Although you do have beautiful hair, I've always felt your face and spirit are even more beautiful and what I notice most. Others do too. I loved the parable you posted about the girl with 3 hairs left on her head who decided to braid them, etc...that story is about you.
    Hats off to Will, Jill and Leanne (pardon the pun). Love and hugs to you my beautiful and Sexy friend!

  5. TT~ I think people will be surprised by the fact that you're going through this & have been for so long. You've been so private about it. Now is the time to let your friends, family & co-workers surround you with their support. You can't keep up this tough as nails act forever sissy - this kind of forces you to allow those others in. Embrace it & let us help you :) hugs & kisses sissy!

  6. What Leanne said! AMEN SISTA!


  7. Oh, Jesus. Now I have to help you and surround you with my support? Can one of the kids show you how to get rid of this damn blog? :) :)

  8. Jill, the only thing I need from you is to keep making me laugh:) priceless xoxo
