Monday, March 26, 2012


Last Friday Will and I went to see my new ortho doc cuz my surgeon who put the rod in my femur moved to CA:(  On the last PET scan as well as my most recent one, the radiologist mentioned seeing a fracture in my right femur (the one with the rod in it.) but, the ortho didn't see it.  So, Will, with his super deaf vision, showed the fracture to the new doc, and she is now a believer:) It's been there since November, she just thought it was part of the original surgery.  Anyway, now we know why my leg still hurts, but there's nothing they can do for it.  But, at least I know why it hurts! The ortho thinks there was a very thin amount of bone around the rod originally, and when i went for a lovely walk on the Tampa beach with my friends last year, it fractured.  Again, nothing can be done, but she seems hopeful that my bone will heal itself.  Will expressed his doubt, given the poor condition of my bones to begin with, but i like pretending:)

I'm doing well on the Xeloda oral chemo so far, nothing major to report:)

Sunday, March 18, 2012

So far, so good

I seem to be responding without any side effects so far to the new chemo meds. If my past experience is indicative of my "normal", tho, I'll probably be hit with side effects later. Ahh another blessing of a slow metabolism!
Ann Marie brought quiche and date snacks last week, Leanne brought dinner Friday night and Jill brought dinner last night- awesome!I'm so spoiled! I'm off completely today with only taxi duty, so it's been a very relaxing, sunny day here:) doggies so happy it's toasty warm on the patio.
Back to work tomorrow, keeping fingers crossed that this med doesn't make me sick. Have a great week!

Friday, March 9, 2012


PET scan results are not good - knew it the minute I saw the expression on my Nurse Practitioner's face.  More cancer in my liver, spine, hip, and ribcage.  Old lesions are "metabolic" again, lighting up on the PET scan, back being nasty again.
So, plan B: new chemo drug called Xeloda.  Good news is, it's a pill, so no weekly visits to the infusion center.  Side effects are said to be minimal but everyone is different, so we'll see how it treats me. Major worry for me is the warning of more neuropathy and Hand and Foot Syndrome which is  a reddening and increased sensitivity of the hands and feet.  Hopefully the hand and foot syndrome fairy will pass me by; I can't imagine interpreting would be much fun with that!
I'm feeling ok about the news; luckily they don't give me too much time to wallow; I start the new drug on Sunday or Monday depending on how I feel.  I'll keep you updated on the side effects!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

takin 'er easy:)

Hi! I had my PET scan yesterday, will be getting my results and an action plan on Friday when i have my oncology appointment.  Only a little drama with the IV; I always have to go to the hospital to have the IV placed because the peeps at the PET scan place scarred me for life when it took them 7 tries and they finally put the IV in my FOOT!!! one time, a couple years ago. So, now I go to Strong and have either their crack IV team, an anesthesiologist, or my onc nurses if they're feeling brave, place it for me then i drive one armed to the scan:) awkward but way less tears that way!!

I've been off most of last week and all of this week...its been awesome:) I'm feeling good, just the neuropathy in my feet and some pain in my middle back vertebrae.  My feet feel like I've got shoes on that are a couple sizes too small - pressure and tingly.  Strange that it keeps getting worse even tho i haven't had chemo in almost 2 weeks. :( keep hoping it'll go away.  But other than that, I'm good!

Will update on Friday once I get the news about my scan results. Later!