Saturday, January 18, 2014

Lucky me:)

No, seriously, after the past couple weeks i now really realize how lucky, how healthy, I've been for the past 6 years! Since my last chemo (Dec 30) I've been feeling sick, nauseated, throwing up and in pain. Damn! it seems worse when i read back over it!
Colleen and I went to Iceland and had a fantastic time, and I think Col probably lost some weight cuz i was a terrible restaurant date! Thank goodness I felt well enough most of the trip that we experienced Iceland to the max:) It is stunning!!
Anyway, I had a PET scan last Tuesday after we got home, and the results were not good.  As we suspected from my tumor markers, this chemo hasn't helped at all, and the cancer shows marked progression, particularly in my liver, which is always the biggest concern.  That also explains why I'm feeling so crappy and the pain I have in my abdomen. Dr Hug says that what I'm feeling is caused by the cancer progression, as well as a reaction to the chemo, so no more of that chemo since its not working anyway.
On Monday, I'll begin one of two new chemo options, either Gemcitabine or  Navelbine, depends on Dr Hug's team meeting and feelings, as well as my own research.  They seem similar in their lack of severe side effects.  Fingers crossed that this one can knock the cancer back down again and let me feel better!

Friday, January 3, 2014

Brain MRI clear!

Dr Hug called today with good news, no mets on the brain scan :) woohoo! Also just home from eye dr and he sees nothing scary either. So what's causing my visual weirdness? He thinks could be an ocular migraine (vasospasm in the eye) or just dry eyes from meds. So, using lots of eye drops and going back in 2 weeks. Yay!!!thanks for all the prayers and positive thoughts:)

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

MRI tomorrow- send me lots of prayers please

Brain MRI tmw because I've had some strange vision stuff going on, bright lights and shadows , sometimes blocking my vision when I'm reading the captioning on the tv. Also had a weird experience on the cruise where I was signing to Will and my arms just kinda went weak and fell down into my lap. So, MRI tomorrow to see wtf. Fingers crossed and lots of good healing thoughts my way, please. I live in denial quite happily most of the time;) hopefully can go back to ignorant bliss after these results:)

Happy New Year!

Here's to a happy, healthy new year for us all!! Unfortunately my Ixempra treatments aren't working (my tumor markers are the highest they've ever been) so after PET scan later this month I'm assuming I'll switch to a new protocol.

It's so disheartening because when a treatment doesn't work, it basically means that the cancer has been growing unchecked for the past 6-8 weeks, will be almost 10 weeks by the time they confirm with PET scan then a crap shoot to see if another treatment will work.  And this time, I'm definitely feeling it...whether it's chemo side effects or the cancer, who knows, but my liver and bones hurt, feel like i have the flu, chills, runny nose, and can't eat anything.  Well, i had half an almond joy candy bar yesterday;) and Leslie and Chris cooked us a lovely NYE meal of garlic parm shrimp pasta that smelled amazing and that I could not even get past my lips:( Had a couple sips of Will's Sam Adams beer, tho so I think I'm getting all my food groups! Don't worry, Will ate my share;)

Colleen and I leave for Iceland to see the Northern Lights next Wednesday, i have to be feeling better by then!! I have cute snow pants to wear!! fingers crossed!!!

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Recovery week

Hi! Yep feels like the good week i get between treatments:) Finally feeling a little better, just in time for Christmas! woohoo! Had a fabulous time at the party last night, and am eating leftover Christmas cookies from Wegmans for breakfast;) Merry Christmas, everyone!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Bald again! Ixempra #2

Yep, had to have Will shave my head again cuz of so many little hairs falling all over me. Honestly I don't mind, it's like the least of my worries!:)
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving, we sure did!! Had my second round of Ixempra yesterday and although it took ALL DAY it's done now and I'm going to try to keep track of my side effects this time. I had a lot of carpal tunnel ish symptoms with pain in my wrists and elbows mid cycle, and no appetite for the middle 10 days or so. We'll see what happens this time! I have 4 weeks til the next one cuz of the Christmas holiday.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Better now:)

Eyebrows take 2

Ixempra is tough, I finally get why some people are off work for chemo...I could have happily stayed home for the first 10 days after my first Ixempra treatment.  But by around Wednesday, I was feeling more like myself, and now am back to eating normally, feeling less nauseated everyday.  The weirdest side effect I had was that my arms and wrists hurt like crazy...almost like the chemo was attracted to the spots I use the most!  That lasted 4-5 days, and thank goodness it's getting better now.  Still have my hair, but am expecting it to fall out any day now according to the oncology team.  Looking forward to a lovely Thanksgiving with my family.  Hope my eyebrows last that long...last time they peeled off and left me naked! Hope this time (darker, thicker) works out better! Happy Turkey Day!