Monday, June 24, 2013

Pretty good:)

Hi there, back for second chemo treatment tomorrow with the Halaven...this past week after the first treatment wasn't so bad, just a couple days of feeling kinda yuck.  Here's hoping this one will be more of the same.  If it's going to make me lose my hair, it'll be this week, after 2 straight doses, it might be time for another drastic hair appointment!  I'm really hoping not though, I love my hair!!! So, fingers crossed for me please! I know it should be no big deal, so inconsequential in the grand scheme of things...but when, like me, you've been through so many side effects, it would be nice just to keep my curls!!! Positive wishes for tmw please!!! xoxox

Thursday, June 20, 2013

1st Halaven treatment down...

Had my first new chemo treatment Tuesday; today's Thursday and I'm still feeling it.  Although, I'm never sure which med to blame, the Halaven or the XGeva (Denosumab.) It's a mixed bag, I'll blame the stomach aches and pains on the Halaven, and the sore joints and feeling 1000 years old on the XGeva.
No issues with actually getting the treatment, smooth sailing, although for a quick injection it still took 2 and a half hours in and out of the hospital.  Thank goodness Will was there with me, keeping me company and keeping my spirits up since:) Our dogs are thrilled to have me on the couch so much; I've been working mornings and sleeping/resting afternoons.  It worked out well that I like to work mornings, and mornings are really the only time i feel up to working; as the day goes on i feel less and less like myself and more "sick." Then by 8 ish I'm ready for bed:) Poor Will, I'm sure he didnt expect old age to come quite so quickly!! Wonder if we can start getting the early bird specials when we go out...:)
I found another massage gift certificate in the cupboard today (thanks to Cheryl Bovard!) and plan to use it soon. Massage and the heating pad are my new best friends. Thanks for all the notes and support!

Monday, June 10, 2013


Alrighty, here we go again:) As suspected form my numbers, the last med hasn't been working, so I hafta go on a chemo called Erubulin or Halaven.  My onc went over the scans with me today, and Colleen came with me just for fun:) The scans showed definite disease progession, especially in my liver (15 spots) and in my bones, most in my spine.  I'm not surprised, I've had some pain in my upper back for the last 3 weeks or so.  I'm going to see a spine specialist later this week, see what they see and if they can help with the pain.  
I'm also switching to a new bone-building med called Denosumab; the onc is worried I've been on Zometa too long, something about a risk of paradoxical fracture.   If anyone has any experience with either Eribulin or Denosumab, I'd love to hear, especially about side effects.  The side effects I've read about so far for Eribulin are the typical chemo ones; fatigue, nausea, hair loss.  I'm ok, happy there are still options to keep trying, and hopeful that this one will work for awhile.  Thanks for checking on me!! And thanks for going with me, Col:) Love you.