Sunday, November 24, 2013

Better now:)

Eyebrows take 2

Ixempra is tough, I finally get why some people are off work for chemo...I could have happily stayed home for the first 10 days after my first Ixempra treatment.  But by around Wednesday, I was feeling more like myself, and now am back to eating normally, feeling less nauseated everyday.  The weirdest side effect I had was that my arms and wrists hurt like crazy...almost like the chemo was attracted to the spots I use the most!  That lasted 4-5 days, and thank goodness it's getting better now.  Still have my hair, but am expecting it to fall out any day now according to the oncology team.  Looking forward to a lovely Thanksgiving with my family.  Hope my eyebrows last that long...last time they peeled off and left me naked! Hope this time (darker, thicker) works out better! Happy Turkey Day!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Ixempra Side effects

It's been a week, and it's been harder than I had expected:( Today my joints ache and my appetite is still not's better than it was, though.  The first couple of days I felt very nauseated, but never actually threw up so that's good!:) Now, I'm just weak and sore, feel kinda flu-ish, almost like my body isn't my own if that makes any sense.

Tomorrow I'll go for the touch up appointment for my eyebrow tattoos:) I'm looking forward to it, I want them to be darker and more obvious, like they were at the very beginning, not faded out like they are now.

All in all, I'm happy that this treatment is only once every 3 weeks, it gives me time to recover!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Ixempra #1

Hi from Strong's infusion center:) Damn it looks like i only have one tattooed eyebrow; i have an appt next week cuz apparently the ink didn't take well and they have to redo it.  This chemo is the longest one I've ever had, 4 hours, so right now I'm just waiting for the benadryl and heartburn meds to kick in, then they will get started.  Thanks everyone for all of your extra support this week as I venture into this new med.  I appreciate it more than you know! Cher, thanks for the massage certificate!! Massage works wonders to keep the aches and pains away:) xoox

Monday, November 4, 2013


Soo... Our feelings were correct:( last weeks PET scan showed disease progression, especially in my liver.  So, next week will start new next chemo called ixabepilone (Ixempra). Look it up and let me know what you find on the side effects; Colleen and I checked it out quickly and it looked more severe than past chemos with worse side effects, but as always it depends on the person so we'll see. I'm nervous. Start up the prayers and good vibes and send to me please. Thanks! Jen